12:44am – 1:50

So I was awake at 12:30 thinking of something to write about but unfortunately I couldn’t come up with anything and this happens sometimes and when it does I just let it be but on this very fateful night I decided to ask a very good friend of mine and I went thus;

When I pick up my pen and note to write or for instance when I open up my laptop to write and then I don’t know what to write, I mean nothing at all comes to mind what do I do?

And guess what he said: write about nothing, that same nothing is what you should write about.
Put together pieces of whatever comes to mind even when it doesn’t make sense just write because at the end of the day nothing might turn out to be everything, everything someone somewhere needs to be told.

So here goes…
I think about suffering, hunger, pain, I thought about that child that had no one to care for her, I think about her suffering and her tears, her pain and hatred towards life because of her encounter/experience.

I think about death; when we will all die and nothing will matter anymore, not even our wealth, arrogance or ego, nothing but our legacy (legacy left behind).

I think about that child that has been constantly abused and neglected, that child that is sorrowful and heart broken, for she has a great future, even though she can’t see it now or the future seems to be taking forever it definitely will come.

I think about the cruelty in the world; I think about humans, how we have all lost our purpose and reasoning. How we have all been divided by ethnicity, color, race, religion and caste, I think about the cruelty and hatred between us.

I think about love that is pure and beautiful. I think about life, which is a journey that will end someday. I think about time, which is like a flash, no one, has it for keeps.

I think about shopping and the momentary joy it brings. I think about the sweet scent of my lovers perfume as we lay on the sofa in each other’s arms. I think about my mother whose love none can compare, she is virtuous and divine, an angel in disguise.

I think about my father who let me down with his words and actions, I think about the pain inflicted on my mother even though she remains quiet about it.

I think about people who covet the properties and belongings of others, I think about children whose mothers are mistresses and adulteress destroying people’s homes and lives.

I think about the rough times I’ve had in life and how it has helped shaped me into a better person.

I think about the sacrifices of a mother. I think about the enjoyment and fun youths are having while ruining their lives (most of which ruins their lives).

I think about the pain felt during abortions, no man is worth that. I think about the day I will give life to a child whom I’ll forever love and protect.

I think about Christ who died for you and I and how he must feel about this new world.

I think about God’s plan for me, my purpose in life and how Satan is somewhere planning on how to ruin that. I think about yeast infection that I have right now and I have no money to treat right away.

I think about my future and how to succeed in life. I think about my options and I think about those that have none. I think about wives that don’t treat their husbands right, they think the easy way out is to be hard on him meanwhile men like to be treated with respect, they like to be pampered and cared for like a baby.

I think about all the love I have buried inside of me and to whom I will give all of it. I think about my husband and kids, my home and how peaceful I want for it to be.

I think about when I will make it to the top of Forbes list, I think about when I become best selling author and I win so many awards and be an ambassador and role model to many.

And to think this piece came out of nothing to write, sometimes all we need is a little motivation and support from our loved ones.
And as I begin to feel sleepy tonight finally I think about my love that helped give me a sense of direction tonight and then I realized there is really something in nothing. I retire to bed now, have a lovely night rest lovelies.
I know I said good night already but then this piece almost got deleted by mistake so I thought I should let you know
Love you and good night.

Piece by Blak Coffee.

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