Ogini Bernard, Others Set To Usher In Independence Day With Hamlet For Pidgin In Ibadan

The Arts theatre of the University of Ibadan will witness an epic atmosphere come in October, as Hamlet For Pidgin written by Ogini Bernard takes center stage with intriguing actions and fascinating dialogues that would set a new arena for discourse in the arts and beyond.


The performance directed by creative director, Emmanuel Orisunmibare, is scheduled for October 2nd, 2018 and feature appearances from in house thespians of theatre arts department, University of Ibadan.

Prior to performance day, the presentation of the book “Hamlet for Pidgin” authored by Ogini Bernard shall take course at the Arts Theatre, October 1st, 2018.

The theme of presentation which chronicles “Di Nigerian Pidgin: For Future” shall be discussed by the host, Nigerian Association of Pidgin Authors.

Hamlet For Pidgin – is an adaptation of the famous Williams Shakespeare’s Hamlet, an experiment of linguistic style, cultural appropriation reflecting Africanism while retaining the global message.


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